Why Now is a Great Opportunity to Support MAA

Why Now is a Great Opportunity to Support MAA


There are many worthy causes out there, but donations from readers play a crucial role in keeping us going, and 2024 might inspire even greater generosity.

Why does More About Advertising matter? It’s a free resource, unlike most of its competitors, and strives to maintain independence while reporting the advertising industry as it truly is—often a different picture than how it’s portrayed. This honesty ultimately benefits the industry, as the truth tends to emerge in the end.

Your donations, which have been generous over the years, are important to us and can potentially make a positive impact.

We had a successful 2023, attracting a record number of readers from around the world and gaining more valued Partner Content advertisers who recognize the value of being featured in a trusted editorial environment.

If you’d like to support us in 2024, you can donate [here] or via the Contribute box at the top right corner of the page.